Stuffed Meat

Cooking Venezuelan

Ingredients for Stuffed Meat

For Serves 6.

Preparation of Stuffed Meat

1. Place the steak in a large dish. Mix the garlic, 2 teaspoons salt and the olive oil and rub the mixture in both sides of the steak. Let stand at room temperature for about 2 hours.

2. In a bowl beat the eggs with 1 teaspoon salt and 2 tablespoons water. Heat an omelet pan, butter the pan and cook an omelet. Place it on top of the meat. Roll up the meat and tie securely with string. Put the steak into a buttered baking dish and bake in a moderate 350ยบ oven for 45 minutes, basting several times with the wine. Lift the meat to a warmed serving platter and remove string.

3. Reduce the wine and pan juices over high heat and pour into a sauce boat. Cut the meat into 1-inch slices and serve with white rice, black beans and fried plantains.