Nigiri Gyokairui

Recipes of Fish and Seafoods

Japanese Cooking

Ingredients serves 4


1 Moisten hands in water to prevent sticking and shape small balls of rice: 2 fingers long, 2 fingers wide, and 1 finger. Avoid pressing excessively; the balls should dissolve easily when eaten. Reserve.

2 Skewer the raw shrimp from the head to the tau and cook in boiling water 1 minute. Remove the skewer and run under cold water; drain and peel.

3 Cut the fish and shellfish into ½ x 1½ inch pieces. Top the "rice fingers" with a piece of fish or shellfish, fastened with a dab of wasabi. In some cases a sheet of nori can be cut into 3 x ½ Inch strips and used to hold the balls.

4 Serve 6 per person.

Wine Pairing

Advice of Wine to combine

Suggest from Sommelier

For this combination of nigiris, I'd look for an all-purpose wine, such as a varietal Chardonnay or a Pinot Noir from: young, fresh, and unwooded to allow the wine's fruity expression to shine as the primary ingredient in this pairing. Choose the most recent vintage of either wine.