Fruit Pavlova

Recipes of Desserts and Fruits

Ingredients for Fruit Pavlova

Ingredients for Serves 8.

Preparation of Fruit Pavlova

1. Preheat oven to 300°. Cover a baking sheet with wax paper and draw a 9 inch circle.

2. In a bowl whip the egg whites until stiff, but not dry peaks. Gradually add sugar. Beat the mixture until thick and shiny.

3. Fold in the vanilla, lemon juice and cornstarch. Form a crown of meringue with the help of a spoon, following the circle on wax paper. Leave the center empty and the borders higher.

4. Bake for 1 hour. Let cool on the paper. Once cooled, peel off the wax paper and place the meringue on a serving platter. Fill the center with fruits and cream.